Sunday, August 13, 2006


It has been about two weeks since I first arrived in China. Unfortunately, I have not had the time or energy to invest in maintaining this blog. However, I am going to do my best to use this as a daily/weekly journal of my life in China......

China, although foreign, busy, and culturally astonishing, feels like a second home to me. The people are incredibly hospitable, kind, and generous. I am constantly reminded how lucky I am to be here. Everyday I attend Chinese language and culture classes, TEFL classes, and teach adults conversational English for three hours. My favorite part of the day is when I teach. My students are highly fluent and incredibly intelligent. I have taught everything from American history, literature, and culture to personal investment and home mortgages. It is important to note that my students invested their own money in these classes....they sit for six hours each day in a sweltering classroom, hoping to "become as knowledgeable in English" as we are. It is unlike anything I have ever encountered in my short teaching career. My students not only want to spend their short ten minute breaks between lectures talking to me about English, they also want to spend their day off with me. One student took me to the Chinese National Museum and treated me to Peking Duck. Three other students took me to church today and then to a karaoke bar. Tonight my entire class has invited me to dinner at a restaurant. Needless to say, I love every aspect of what I am doing here.

I'm doing my best to learn Chinese. Although my pronunciation is poor and knowledge limited, I love trying to use my basic Mandarin skills. I like going places by myself as it forces me to use the language. It is rewarding when I'm able to understand simple phrases and recognize characters. My father told me not to come home until I am fluent in Chinese.....looks like I will be here for several years.

1 comment:

Genocide said...

I love your blog LA