Monday, September 11, 2006

teacher's day.

Every year in China, one day is dedicated to the teachers...they are celebrated and praised for their hard work and accomplishments (trust me; this is nothing like the U.S.'s lame "teacher's appreciation day"). This "day" is actually a weekend of elaborate celebrations, food, and traveling. Gary and I were invited to take part in all of the festivities.

On Friday evening, we enjoyed dinner, karaoke, and festivities with all of the Senior I teachers. Gary and I were asked to perform a song.....we chose "I can tell we are going to be friends" by the White Stripes (most of you will recognize this as the opening song in Napoleon Dynamite). This was interesting....and for some reason, heavily applauded.

On Saturday, Gary and I traveled with the teachers to Huizhou where we went white water rafting during the day, enjoyed a traditional Hakka dinner, and ended the evening with a two-hour-long massage before crashing at a five star golf resort.

After enjoying a large, traditional Chinese breakfast on Sunday, we set out to see the seashore. All of the teacher's piled onto a fishing boat and enjoyed a short ride in the gulf waters.

It was an unforgettable weekend.......

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