Monday, September 18, 2006

The name game.

As you read in my previous post, I have to come up with lots of English names for my students. So far, I have been kind when assigning students a name: Sam, Madison, Elle, Madeline. Heck, I have even given some a special tribute by naming them after my favorite authors, friends, and music groups: "Ezra" (Ezra Pound), "Dylan" (Dylan Boren), "Judy" (my mom), "Marilyn" (my Nana), "Tegan" and "Sara" (one of my favorite music groups), Oscar (my favorite designer: Oscar de la Renta), etc.

However, I am finding that the Chinese classroom is not always a haven of well behaved a matter of fact, some of the kids drive me nuts. So Gary and I have compiled another list of names....fitting names that will secretly make us laugh when we call on these "special" students: Gaylord, Lancelot , Hannibal, Clarice, Malaria (pronounced Mal-uh-ree-ah), Hyman (after the Greek Goddess). Of course, it would be terrible if Hannibal grew up to be a business man, or Hyman a doctor, or if Malaria worked for the CDC in America.

*Please note that this is a sense of humour in not cruel; Gary and I are not naming our students any of the names located in the second paragraph. We simply like to entertain ourselves when planning our lessons.

1 comment:

Ty said...

I want my name in there. I can be one of the nutty kids :)