Thursday, September 14, 2006

the first day.

First day of class

Yesterday marked the first day of my teaching career in China. There were the normal jitters....however, I was unprepared for the warm welcome I received in the classroom and the side-splitting laughter that occurred.

My first day of student teaching in the states was terrifying--my seniors displayed vicious and crude attitudes the moment I met them, and I had no professional help whatsoever. Walking into the Chinese classrooms was a wonderful experience. Every student displayed a smile, applauded my entrance, and fully participated in my lesson. Moreover, every teacher offered assistance, help, and advice. It is an experience that would make individuals want to become a teacher or stay in the profession longer.

I had the students introduce themselves during the first lesson. I had to bite my lip to conceal my laughter. Chinese students pick English names based on how they sound.....many times you will meet a "Winter," "Snoopy," "Angel," or "Rocket." If a student likes the way a word sounds...or a particular movie....or a specific adjective, he/she will usually use it as his/her English name.

Perhaps this short snippets will help you understand the humor I am trying to convey:

* Hello, my name is Mosquito.
*Hello, I'm Potato. I love potatoes because they are very cheap and delicious.
*Hello, I am Handsome.
*Hello, my name is Obi 1 Kenobi, but you can call me Obi.

I am quite sure my laughter will not cease this year.

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