Monday, April 23, 2007

little milky adams.

My facebook life is complete: Dr. Adams is my friend.

Dr. Adams became my hero during my freshman year of college. I admire him not for his political affiliation, but for his courage to stand up for what is right and publicly denounce what is wrong. He is a public servant--a purveyor of honesty--a voice for those who have been silenced.

Although I have recently become disillusioned with the entire American political spectrum, I have not lost optimism. I don't believe there is such a thing as an honest politician, but I remain optimistic that good public servants still exist...they still retain the goal set forth by our forefathers--to be the voice of the electorate-the common man-the plebe.

Hurrah for Dr. Adams!

Any man who campaigns for beer on University campuses and free parking has my vote.


Judy and Crew said...
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Judy and Crew said...

Now THAT is COOL! You know how much I like Mike!